The situation happening in our world today is constantly updating and changing. Please follow legitimate news sources and websites to be kept well informed.
DON'T panic. Stay informed and stay calm. Avoid going into public places unless you absolutely need to, like going to the grocery store or going to work. If you are ill, stay home and take care of yourself. Remember: the symptoms of Covid 19 are similar to the flu -fever -cough -shortness of breath If you experience shortness of breath, seek medical care. What is heart month, you ask? Hearth month, similar to diabetes awareness or cancer awareness months, is a time dedicated to bringing awareness to cardiac, or heart, issues. Heart issues can affect anyone of any age. Some people are more at risk, whether it be related to genetic risk factors or preventable risk factors. What are genetic risk factors?-Certain genetic disorders/syndromes -Family history of heart disease What are preventable risk factors?-Poor diet -Lack of exercise -Nicotine use What can I do to prevent anything from happening to me?See the Heart Risk Assessment Form under the Forms section of this website. Fill it out and take it with you to an appointment with your doctor. They’ll take it from there. It’s never too early to be concerned about your heart health! What can I do to help?-Help raise awareness of heart disease
-Do your research and share your findings with your family and friends -Consider becoming CPR/AED certified Flu season is upon us! West Virginia is currently seeing wide-spread reports of the flu. The flu can make you feel down-right awful, and no one wants it. So what can you do to prevent flu from happening to you? 1. WASH YOUR HANDS! Warm water and soap. Rub hands together for at least 20 seconds! 2. Cover your cough! Use your sleeve or your elbow to cough. 3. Get the flu vaccine. It isn't too late! Stop by your pharmacy or doctor's office. "Uh-Oh, I think I've got the flu! Now what?"
Symptoms of the flu include sudden onset of: +Fever (100.4 or higher) +Body aches +Fatigue +Dry cough/Sore throat with no congestion If you suspect you have the flu, you should take steps to care for yourself until you are better. -Stay home when you are sick! You should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to work or school. -Drink plenty of fluids. Hot or cold, it doesn't matter, just stay hydrated! -Get lots of rest. Your body needs to take time to recover. Did you know?? |